

Artist – Clay Workshop by Jamanalal Kumhar , Molela Rajasthan. Activities : Day 1: Introduction of how clay is used to make forms. & Day 2: how to make and mould pots form the clay. Day 2: Carving techniques & Studio exercise. Day 3: installation of brick kiln on site. The 3 day documentation exercise

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Artist – Tensile workshop : Kapil Sthar Activities :  Day 1: Introduction of how TENSILE and TENSILE STRUCTURE derived in multi-forms.Introduction of how to make and derive tensile structures. Day 2: Exploration : TENSILE STRUCTURES. Day 3: Exercise & Execution : TENSILE Installation and development  3 day documentation exercise culminated into various layers of understanding 

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Artist – Clay Workshop by  IRFAN TABANI , RAJKOT Activities :  Day 1: Introduction of how ABSTRACT clay derived in multi-forms. Introduction of how to make and mould pots form the clay. Day 2: Exploration : Abstractions. Day 3: Exercise & Execution : Abstraction Installation and development. . The 3 day documentation exercise culminated into

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Students from 1st, 2nd & 3rd year Year of Architecture & Design conducted a comprehensive workshop on Geodesic Structure .A geodesic dome is a hemispherical thin-shell structure (lattice-shell) based on a geodesic polyhedron. The triangular elements of the dome are structurally rigid and distribute the structural stress throughout the structure, making geodesic domes able to

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Students from 1ST & 2D Year of Architecture & Design conducted a comprehensive workshop on Light Photography. Photographic lighting is the illumination of scenes to be photographed. A photograph simply records patterns of light, color, and shade; lighting is all-important in controlling the image. In many cases even illumination is desired to give an accurate

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Students from 1ST, 2ND & 3RD year of ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN conducted a comprehensive workshop exercise on Miniature Modes workshop from well-known artist from Surat , Ar. Abhijit Pariyal. Miniature Model Making is high order making miniature Prototype models of the original critical engineering and process machinery taking all the critical and important parameters of

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Students from 1rd year  of architecture conducted a comprehensive exercise for the LINO-CUT WORKSHOP technique.Lino printing is a form of fine art printmaking where the printing plate s cut into lino. Yes, lino as in linoleum, as in the floor covering. The lino is then inked, a piece of paper placed over it, and then

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Students from 1rd year  of architecture conducted a comprehensive workshop exercise for the drawing and painting & documentation of a govt. Public school nr. Kalol. The overall study formation consisted of detailed documentation of the school. Further the study also focused on the understanding of the spaces, scales and proportion from large complexes to minor details

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Artist – Clay Workshop by  Jamanalal Kumhar , Molela Rajasthan. Activities :  Day 1: Introduction of how clay is used to make forms. Day 2: Introduction of how to make and mould pots form the clay. Day 3: Carving techniques. Day 4: Introduction of studio exercise. Day 5: installation of brick kiln on site.

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The Students from 1st, 2nd, & 3rd  year  of architecture & Design Conducted a comprehensive exercise for the documentation of The Spanish Colonial Revival Style (Spanish: Arquitec tura neocolonial española) is An architectural stylistic movement arising in the early 20th century in the United States, based on the Spanish Colonial architecture of the Spanish colonization of the Americas.

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