
To Develop Archi-Culture at GUNI-FADP

We IOA and IOD (FADP) at the campus, stretch to create ‘Archi-Culture’ initiated with on the spot competition on 25th and 26th februry 2021. The competition was to design a Trophy (Memento) for the University. The participants were awarded with 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize. Where all the participants have come with different creative ideas

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Know your City a Visit of Adalaj stepwell, Ahmedabad

Student of 1st year IOA and IOD visited to adalaj stepwell with Prof Mehul Darshak, Prof Geeta Dixit, Prof Tapan Patel. Visit was about to understand Emotion, Expression, Experience, of Adalaj stepwell and its structure, history, materiality, form, function, geometry, with relationship with water. Student’s did sketching and photography and got a brief idea about

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A Webinar on Landscape Design Typologies

A Webinar on Landscape Design Typologies Ar. Nandita Parikh,Founder Director, N M P Design, Academician Landscape Designer In association with IGBC and HPBM, Ganpat University FADP and SCET conducted a webinar on LANDSCAPE DESIGN TYPOLOGIES. Distinguish speaker Ar. Nandita Parikh, Foundef NMP Design, New Delhi and Academician presented the fundamentals of landscape Architecture stating the

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Students from 1ST & 2ND  year of architecture conducted a comprehensive exercise for technique Metal workshop is a form of buiding metal scrape.The process is first to sculpt in mind, sketching and experiment on materials. We need to have some basic material iron and metal scrape, a welding machine, soldering bars, metal cutters and qualified

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Artist– Ferro-Cement workshop by Ar. Mangesh Jadhav, Mumbai Students from 1st, & 2nd  year of architecture conducted a comprehensive exercise for technique Ferrocement workshop is a form of building construction.Ferrocement is a comparatively new material that is formed with wire meshes and cement mortar. It includes tightly spanned wire meshes which are permeated with strong

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