B.Architecture (MSU)
M.Plan(Urban Planning) (HNGU)
Ar.Hemant Patel in capacity of Dean possesses broad academic and professional experience of 30 years. He is graduated in Architecture from M.S.University of Baroda with Bachelor of Architecture and post graduated from HNGU, Patan with Master of Urban Planning. At Ganpat University, Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning since 2018 he is serving the best of his expertise.
Having National and International experience comprising more than 12 years of academic experience brings him the qualities and skills to develop and implement innovative approaches for achieving the higher goals for architectural education at Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning at Ganpat University.
18 years of professional experience has enabled him to impart practical learning as well as professional ethics and etiquettes which helps students to become profession proficient and character citizens of the Nation
B.Architecture (MSU)
M.Plan(Urban Planning) (HNGU)
29+ years Experience
Architectural Design | Professional Practice | Urban Planning | Cultural and Social Values | Administrative abilities
Institute of Architecture