Artist– Ferro-Cement workshop by Ar. Mangesh Jadhav, Mumbai
Students from 1st, & 2nd year of architecture conducted a comprehensive exercise for technique Ferrocement workshop is a form of building construction.Ferrocement is a comparatively new material that is formed with wire meshes and cement mortar. It includes tightly spanned wire meshes which are permeated with strong cement mortar mix. When the mortar produces the mass, the wire mesh passes on tensile strength and ductility to the material. re the printing plate s cut into lino. Yes, lino as in linoleum, as in the floor covering.
Day 1: Introduction of how ferro-cement is used to make structures. & how to make and mould pots form the clay.
Day 2: Ferro-cement workshop techniques exploration & exercise.
Day 3: Installation.
The 3 day documentation exercise culminated into various layers of understanding an architectural perspective. The students of architecture underwent a rigorous assignment which had widened their visions of architecture and place with an entirely different cultural identity.