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Wall Art/Mural Painting/Public Art – Elective

This elective explores the creation of different arts for interior and public spaces. This course covers historical context, site-specific design, diverse techniques (painting, mosaic, digital), community engagement, and practical considerations for murals and public installations. Students will develop projects from concept to presentation, analyzing existing works and understanding the legal/ethical aspects of public art.

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AVIRAT- ANNUAL DEPARTMENT FEST-2024 AVIRAT, the much-anticipated annual Architecture department event at FADP, unfolded over 23rd and 24th October, 2024. The event, aptly named "AVIRAT," derived from the Sanskrit word signifying "continuous" or "uninterrupted," aimed to foster a seamless flow of knowledge and creativity within the architectural community. The event commenced with a stimulating panel Read More


RSP-BATESHWAR - GWALIOR -2024 As part of the curriculum, winter RSP was conducted by GUNI-FADP  from 24/12/2024 to 31/12/2024.  The B.Arch and B.Des students from 1st  year to 3rd year embarked on a week-long immersive related study program at the Bateswar group of temples. The Bateswar temples, located in Madhya Pradesh, India, are a cluster Read More


DESCRIPTION As part of curriculum, winter RSP was conducted by IOA-GNU from December 16th-23rd January 2017 for students to Jaisalmer. An intensive study of the area surrounding and habitat settlement was done along with measure drawings of the constructed houses. The studio was compiled into detailed documentation of the study including hand drawings, joinery  details Read More